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Position:Home>History> What were the conflicts between the British and American colonies?

Question: What were the conflicts between the British and American colonies!?
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taxes and freedomWww@QuestionHome@Com

The issue started over taxes, largely!. After the war with the French ended in 1763, Britain was left with two things, control of Canada, and a huge war debt!.

Reasoning that the war had started in America, with the clash between Major George Washington and Jumonville, in which Jumonville was killed, they decided to have the Americans pay for the war!.

The colonial assemblies were not consulted, nor did they legally need to be, as the Parliament had passed these laws!.

The conflict grew out of the colonial's objection to the tax, the "taxation without representation is tyranny" arcument, and the Crown's efforts to either modify the tax, or to enforce it!. It was the enforcement that ultimately led to blows!. The incident in March 1770 on Boston Common left 5 Bostonians dead, the raid by "Mohawk indians" (really whites in blackface) on a British East India company ship in the harbor in December 1773, and ultimately the closing of the port of Boston, the arming of colonial militias, and the skirmishes around Boston in April of 1775 really began the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

taxation and arbitrary governance without representationWww@QuestionHome@Com