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Question: U!.S!.A!. next roman empire to fall!?
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Yes we are on the same fast track!. The problem is it took Roman 1000 years we will do it in less time!. All of the problems Rome had we have immigration, war, very wealthy and very poor, corrupt government, Christianity, and the rich live behind gated communities in Rome right before the fall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What everyone forgets is that the Roman Empire went through a long period of decline before it fell, and the Eastern half of the empire didn't fall for 1000 years later!.

If the USA doesn't want to fall, it has to avoid some of the mistakes the Romans made!. First, it has to welcome and assimilate immigrants (when Germanic tribes fleeing the Huns tried to enter the Empire in the late 300's, the Roman army sold them into slavery; the Germans eventually brought down the empire)!. It has to stop useless foreign wars (the Romans wasted a lot of blood and treasure fighting losing wars against the Persians, of all people)!. Lastly, it has to inspire its citizens to see the continuation of the country as something that's in their best interests!. (One of the things that brought down the empire was that no one really thought it was worth fighting for)!.

And oh yeah, not using lead cooking pots and avoiding an outbreak of bubonic plague would be good ideas too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world is a very different place then it was back then!. War was not as costly and deadly, and we do not have a single leader, but instead 3 branches for checks and balancesI We are the farthest technilogically in the world, and as much as our people like to complain, we are treated better here than people in almost any country in the world!. The fact someone could even consider we're going to "fall" is rediculous!. Seriously, what has changed to make us so supposedly "weak"!? Even with a small "inflation" our economy is still strong compared to other countries, and this current "oil issue" didn't even seem to be a problem until a few months ago, and everyone seems to be set on finding a solution, i forsee one coming into affect sometime soon!.!. This war is so small scale compared to the epic wars we've had in the past, and we turned out just fine after those, thus it will not destroy us, in fact i think half the reason we believe these things, is that the media only spouts out bad information, and often don't mention the good sides of things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right now I don't see any barbarians at the gates !. Just 8 years ago we were the greatest nation on earth !. Now were about to disappear into history !? Eight years from now we might well be the greatest nation again !. Good government requires good people working together to improve the lives of all the people !. Poor government is people whose only purpose is to stay in power and spread there idealism !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. We are losing our middle class, just as the Romans did, and our government is also becoming corrupt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!. Everyones already packing up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not for a whileWww@QuestionHome@Com