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Position:Home>History> Multiculturalism Policy in Australia?

Question: Multiculturalism Policy in Australia!?
need help with a homework question I got!. The question is:

Make brief recommendations on improvements to our multiculturalism policy in the twenty first century!. How do we ensure that Australia remains a just, fair and harmonious society for all Australians!? What, if anything, still needs to be done to redress disadvantage, injustice, prejudice and/or discrimination!?

It needs to be about 200 words long but I wouldn't mind if it was just 150!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Adam Savage, you are the biggest idiot I have come across on here so far!.!.!.good luck in life, you are going to need it!

To answer!.!.!.
The twenty-first century is the past eight years, and the most significant changes took place in the 20th century!.
I would say there haven't been too many improvements, but that is my personal opinion!. what I know mostly about is Aboriginal Australia, so i can give you a little!.!.!.

Australia is not a just, fair and harmonious society!. The Racial Discrimination Act is a government policy that aims to ensure that all Australians can enjoy their human rights and freedoms in full equality regardless of their race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin, being an immigrant or being a relative or associate of someone of a particular heritage!.

However, Aboriginal Australia at the moment in the Northern territory are facing laws that exclude them, the intervention poilicy is aimed especially at them, so this is not equality in regards to government policy!. Aboriginal people are less educated, die earlier, have higher rates of infant mortality, male suicide, alcoholism and improsonment!. This is a result of the policies of the 20th Century!.

To redress disadvantage the key is education!. aboriginal people need to gain more education but in order for this to happen, the rest of Australia needs to be educated about the past so that we can make the changes that will benefit them!. Of-course, we also need to communicate with Aboriginal people and gain an understanding of what they want, their expectations, and listen to WHY they feel they are in the situation they are in!.

In regards to other cultures, I believe that introducing the immigration test was a step backwards!.!.!.it is very reminiscent of the White Australia Policy (Immigration Restriction Act)!. There is more to being a good Australian than knowing the captain of the cricket team and our first Prime Minister!.

I think a good place to look at multi-culturalism and policy would be to look at immigration over the past eight years, if you haven't already done so!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

we are not multi cultural we are multinational,there is and always will be divisions because certain races in this country refuse to assimulate into the greater good for australia,there is nothing harmonious when immigrants live and keep to their own kind,its called reverse discrimination ,and we must stop fundamental religious groups from gaining any power,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abolishing the white Australia policy was a good start and ever since then we have probably become the most successful multi-cultural country in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com