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Position:Home>History> Why does the city of Monroe Michigan say they are proud of General Custer?

Question: Why does the city of Monroe Michigan say they are proud of General Custer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Many places are proud of the people who grew up or were born there!. Monroe was were Custer spent most of his boyhood life and where his wife was born!.
Monroe was named for President James Monroe who visited Michigan territory in 1817!.
While Custer was arogant and made a foolish and infamous battlefield blunder, parts of his military career showed him to be brave and agressive in battle!. He was also known for preperation before battle!.
He was no worse than others who fought in the plains wars against the tribes!. He took prisoners!.

So Custer is a famous Son of Monroe!. An area of 90% white and 0!.24% native american!. Check the links for more informationWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know but Custer had a good record as a cavalry commander BEFORE the Battle of Little Big Horn!. The cavalry of the North in the Civil War was famously bad- poorly disciplined, could not fulfill its military functions, unreliable!. In the last year or so of the Civil War this was turned around by men like Sheridan and Custer!. So he did have some worthy achievements, even if he's famous for being stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where are you getting this from!? I've lived in Michigan all my life and I've never heard of this!. Are you just blowing this out of your ***!?

All they have in Monroe is a statue of him in the middle of town!. They could care less about him!. Like the people in Dearborn could care less about Henry Ford being born in Dearborn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who was arrested!? I don't believe you!.

There isn't a Sioux, and probably not any Indian, who would say they like Custer!. We don't arrest people for that in America--not even when people say they hate the President!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well thats because on the battle of little big horn, the indians slaughtered custer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com