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Question: Polytheism!?
Well, I was asked by my AP World History teacher to write a 6-10 page essay on the Polytheism religion!. However, to even begin writing about this topic, I thought I should research on it a little!. I did my share of research and found out that Polytheism is the study of many gods!. Such an example was exemplified many years ago by the ancient Romans and Greeks who worshiped many different Gods!. I would like you guys to elaborate more on this topic!.

What are the basic tenets of faith!? Prophets!? Sacred texts!? Symbols!? Geographic location!? Cultural and Gender implications!? Most cherished beliefs of Polytheism!? If possible, include other interesting facts!.!.!.

Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Polytheism is not one specific religion, it is a brand of religion that embraces multiple significant deities ("gods")!. Practices, beliefs, texts and prophets obviously vary from place to place!. Polytheistic religions were practiced in Rome, Greece, Scandinavia, Germany, Egypt, Israel, Arabia, India and so on and so on!.

It's hard to speak generally about polytheistic religions since they vary so much, much the same as monotheistic religions vary!. Here are some things that apply to polytheism in general:

-They have a pantheon!. A pantheon means a group of gods!. A "family" of gods, if you will!.
-Typically, each god in a pantheon has a particular purpose or cause!. For example, in Scandinavia, Thor was the god of thunder and storms, Njord was the god of the sea, Freyja was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility!. In Greece, Athena was the goddess of wisdom, Zeus the cheif god and the god of lightning, and Ares was the god of war!.
-Typically, while they may have believed in many, many gods, some people were more loyal to certain gods as opposed to others!. For example, Athena was the patron goddess of the people of Athens and Ares was the patron god of the people of Sparta!.
-The description and tales of both gods and goddesses was an effective tool to allow Priests to shape gender roles!. IE, "like the Goddess "X", a good woman is humble, or like the God "Y", a good man is brave"
-Many religious texts were heroic epics about the feats of the Gods and of brave warriors or other humans!. The Scandinavians (Vikings), for example, had the "Eddas" and the Greeks had "The Illiad" and "the Oddysey" by Homer!.
-Polytheism continues to influence our lives today!. Did you know where the word "Thursday" comes from!? The God Thor!. "Wednesday"!? The God Odin!. "Saturday"!? The God Saturn!. "Friday"!? The Goddess Frigg!.
-Many leaders/Kings were considered reincarnations or representations of specific gods within the relavant pantheon!.

Hope that helps as a start!Www@QuestionHome@Com