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Position:Home>History> Is Ramose of egypt the biblical Moses of the hebrews?

Question: Is Ramose of egypt the biblical Moses of the hebrews!?
Since Moses grew up in ancient 'khem' and had all the wisdom of the egyptians this would seem if Ramoses was Moses he was said to be the governer of Heliopolis and aswell said to be depicted on the walls of his tomb in the village area of Sheikh 'Abd el-Qurna!. The hieroglyphics depict a man standing with 12 tribes of Israel and the hebrews and depicted as a man who holds a staff and bares water and fans people!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Might or might not!.

The Bible I think declares that Pharoah stroke all the mentions of Moses off the records!. However, I believe that Moses had influence on more than just Egypt itself!. Some theologian, archeologist, scholars think there was a war and treaty between Moses, Egypt, and Ethiopa resulting in a marriage between the queen/princess of Eth and M<osesWww@QuestionHome@Com