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Position:Home>History> What was the name of the carrier the Doolittle raid was launched upon?

Question: What was the name of the carrier the Doolittle raid was launched upon!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
USS Hornet!. Anything else!?

Before this, the B25 was not a particularly popular bomber!. But this gave it a certain distinction!. They also had to strip the planes of their guns so they could reach Japan!. Afterwards they crash landed in China!. Several crewmen were captured (Uggghhh!)!. But it really improved morale, and it showed that we weren't down and out!.

Funny thing is, I'm on the other side!.

Closer examination reveals that Rob has copied part of Wikipedia and pasted it as his answer!. Tsk, tsk, tsk!. Rob!? You gotta give a real answer! Copy and paste doesn't cut it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

launched "from"!.
Launched upon implies the carrier is the target!. The raid was launched upon Tokyo, it was launched from the Hornet!.

The raid was in essence a retaliation for shelling some coastal towns on FDR's birthday, also the US wanted to show the Japanese that they weren't invulnerable!. The threat to the Emperor's sacred being (he was in Tokyo at the time) forced the Japanese to rethink strategy-the US Navy had to be brought to battle and defeated as soon as possible!. This change in policy led directly to Midway!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When planning indicated that the B-25 was the aircraft best meeting all specifications of the mission, three were loaded aboard the aircraft carrier USS Hornet at Norfolk, Virginia, and subsequently flown off the deck without difficulty on February 2, 1942!. The raid was immediately approved and the 17th Bomb Group (Medium) chosen to provide the pool of crews from which volunteers would be recruited!. In the spring of 1941, the 17th BG had been the first group to receive B-25s, with all four of its squadrons equipped with the bomber by September, and it not only was the first medium bomb group of the Army Air Corps, but it also had the most experienced B-25 crews!. Its first assignment following the entry of the United States into the war was to the U!.S!. Eighth Air Force!.[2]Www@QuestionHome@Com