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Position:Home>History> What kind of materials did the poor wear in the Renaissance time in England?

Question: What kind of materials did the poor wear in the Renaissance time in England!?
I was wondering what kind of material the common people of the Renaissance time period would wear because I have a report dew tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
People mostly wore clothes made of wool, with usually a linen shift next to the skin!. Women would spin wool and flax into thread, and then the thread might be woven into cloth by women at home, or they might sell the thread to professional weavers, who would make the cloth!. Poor people would mostly make their own clothes!. Hose (stockings) would be knitted out of wool!. The records of poor people living in Norwich in 1571 include a fourteen-year old girl who was supporting her entire family by knitting 'great hosen'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wool and leather would be the easiest materials to make clothes for common people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com