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Position:Home>History> Can any tell me about the black death 4 h/w/?

Question: Can any tell me about the black death 4 h/w/!?
i need this as soon as poss 4 h/w please help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The black death was a plague in the renissance and it killed like one third of the population!. The disease actually came from fleas on rats and was spread to humans when the rats bit the humans and then was spread in the air!. It made a person's lymph nodes(like on your neck) swell and they would get this weird black rash thing on it!. The children's song, Ring Around the Rosie is about the bubonic plague(thats what its called)!. Ring Around the Rosie meaning the Rosary beads from god were said to help!.A pocket full of posie meaning an herb used to stop the smell of dead bodies!. Ashes Ashes implies the burning that the churches did of all the bodies!. And we all fall down means that almost everyone including children died or were mentally insane!. It was spread to all over Europe!.

Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was an epidemic called the "Bubonic Plague" that spread across Europe around the 14th century, taking out a good portion of its population!. It got its name from the cancerous "boubons," or lesion-type formations on the skin that became characteristic of the ailment!. There was no cure for it, and it was deadly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People will tell you about rats and fleas, but this has become increasingly discredited!. Examination of die ratios and the bones of plague victims suggest it was in fact a viral infection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com