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Position:Home>History> Al Capone, why did he become a gangster if he had a good childhood?

Question: Al Capone, why did he become a gangster if he had a good childhood!?
Last year in September I went to Eastern State Penitentiary, and I got to see his cell, and touch the door that he most likely laid up against!.Unfortunately, they don't let people inside, so I just took pictures!.

I did some research about him and supposedly it says that his childhood was good, his parents were good!. But him and his siblings were all mobsters!. Is that true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When Al Capone was growing up, there wasn't much for a kid to do but join gangs and run wild!. He had 8 other siblings which would've been a handful for his parents to control 24/7; especially as they would've needed to work very long hours to make enough money to feed all those mouths!. I'm sure quite a number of families were good back then and unleashed some violent offspring!. It's the nature of survival!. And as the old saying goes, 'Idle hands are the devil's workshop!.' With nothing constructive to do, kids will get into trouble!. Even today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I heard it was because his mama stopped breast feeding him after only one month!. Guess this happened with all the other bambinos!. Frustrated, he and his siblings took their anger out on many innocent victims!. Or so the story goes!. Counseling and Prozac would have straightened that bad boy out!Www@QuestionHome@Com


The thrill or the rush!.
