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Position:Home>History> Do you know of Savitri Devi?

Question: Do you know of Savitri Devi!?
She actually thought Hitler was an incarnation of our Hindu god Vishnu she was ethnically German she had written many books on this what a seriously confused woman , people actually bought into her schizophrenic crap , the fact is Aryans were and always will be brown what do you think of her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To me I think she's a racist & she has narrow thinking!.
Clearly to people who have clear minds that she has a mental problem which she made into actions that tried to segregrate the nation!.I also agree with you!.!.!.she is a seriously confused woman!.

Savitri Devi was the pseudonym of the French writer Maximiani Portaz, of mixed English, Lombard, and Greek ethnicity!. She was married to Asit Krishna Mukherji!.

She became enamoured with Hinduism and Nazism, trying to synthesise the two, and proclaiming Adolf Hitler an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu!. Her writings have influenced neo-Nazism and Nazi mysticism!. Although mystical in her conception of Nazism, Savitri Devi saw Nazism as a practical faith without the requirement of metaphysics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, dude!. Hitler could not be Vishnu!. Please do not denigrate Vishnu!.Www@QuestionHome@Com