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Position:Home>History> Who would win in a war, the Mexicas/Aztecs or the Egyptians?

Question: Who would win in a war, the Mexicas/Aztecs or the Egyptians!?

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Interesting question!. Egyptians by the time of Ramses the Great in the 1200's BC had chariots for mobility, used horses which the Aztecs had never seen, had advanced metallurgy for bronze or perhaps even iron points for spears and arrows, had metal swords which the Aztecs did not, had metal armor which was also unknown to the Aztecs!. The Egyptians under Ramses had all the components of a diversified military force with discipline and training!.

However, it may make a difference on what terrain the battles are fought!. The Egyptians had never seen dense forests or jungles as might be seen in Yucatan!. Where would this war take place!? The logistics of supply would be a factor depending on location!. You might set up your parameters a bit more for this hypothetical war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Egyptians-they had horses, chariots and METAL weapons!. They fought battles to win, battles were not some weird choerographed play acting so that all the participating nations could grab enough warriors for some blood sacrifice!.

Sure, I wouldn't want to face up to a priest wearing the skin of one of his sacrificial victims, but then again I wouldn't have to, because I could ride away in my chariot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aztecs because they were one angry society!. Sure the Egyptians had numbers and bows but they were too relaxed!. I mean daily human sacrifices and a fanatic self-defying religion really put the Aztecs on the top of the list of pissed off ancient cultures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on who had home field!. In fact the outcome of wars always depends on that as countless waves of foreign very powerful invaders of Afghanistan have to keep re-learning!Www@QuestionHome@Com

go mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com