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Position:Home>History> If you could go back in time, would you stop The Third Reich aka hitler, (see de

Question: If you could go back in time, would you stop The Third Reich aka hitler, (see description)!?
i wouldnt because if hitler didnt rise the germans Stalin would have no enemies and would most likely overtake the world or most of it and i wouldnt like to be speaking russian!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although it would be amazing if the entire mess with WWII, holocaust, etc, had never happened, I would NEVER change it for one simple reason; time paradoxes!.
Think about it!. The holocaust happened!. I can change time!. So I go back in time and change this horrible thing that I know happened!. But now I've changed the future, which is MY present!. This means that, seeing as the holocaust never happened, I never know to go back in time and stop it, which means that I don't stop it, which means that it happens, which means that I, given my propensity to alter time, will now have to go back in time and stop it from happening and then we start the entire cycle all over again!.

Don't mess with the past!. The future!? Sure! The past!? NEVER!.


The result of Hitler attacking Russia was not to make the Soviet Union weaker, but to increase the size of its Empire!. If Hitler had not invaded Russia, it is quite unlikely that the Russians would have advanced into Eastern Europe and Germany!.

If Stalin had tried to take over the world, he would quickly have made enemies, even without Hitler!. Remember that it was only thanks to Hitler that Stalin became allies with Britain and America!. In general they were very hostile to Communism!.

So yes, I would definitely try and stop Hitler with my time machine!Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow i completely misunderstood that question!. ok there is nothing any one person could do!. hitler was highly guarded and there was no chance of anyone talking sense into him!. someone else would have replaced him had he been killed, there were several radicals like him at the time!. its a good thing he actually went to war for if he had not, it is quite possible that germany could be to this day, a world superpower!. and by the way, russia became strong because of barbarossa and they were our rival because of the invasion!. they would not have taken over the world, the opposition to them would be as great, if not greater than against germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a!.) You are a complete idiot who doesn't understand political history


b!.) It wouldn't be possible even if time travel was possible!. Think about it: you kill Hitler!. Hitler doesn't become such a B**tard so you don't think to kill the nice-looking German man with a moustache when you go back in time!. So you don't kill him, so he comes back, you kill him, and the cycle continues!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ha nice i like justins answer!!
i would stop it but earlier before any of it actually happened because look now at palestine or what is left of it hot it was taken from them to became isreal land of the jews and it would for sure have stopped all the warfare goin on there but then again the past happened for a reason!! with all its bad and goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

If WWII had not happened, then my Dad never would have served in the US Navy, so he never wouldhave gone to college on the GI Bill, and he never would have met my Mom, and I'd never have been born! Yikes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

moron people tried to stop himWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes!. And place a sizeable deposit for several companys' stocks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no !. If you pull just one string out of the tapestry of history !.!.!. you don't know what you'll end up with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes and your assuming things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com