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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know who this is ? Japanese officer in WW2 who helped many Jews by f

Question: Does anyone know who this is !? Japanese officer in WW2 who helped many Jews by forging passports!?
I think he & his family lived in Russia!.
I believe he passed away a few years ago, but his wife is still alive!. He's famous, I saw him in my old history textbook that I lost!.

Thank you for your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you mean Chiune Sugihara, who was the Japanese Vice Consul to Lithuania!. He issued exit visas to Polish and Lithuanian Jews, allowing them to travel to Japan!. He is believed to have saved in the neighborhood of 7,000 Jews!. When his consulate was closed down, he was still writing them out on the train and throwing them out the window to desperate Jews on the platform!.Www@QuestionHome@Com