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Position:Home>History> Does Obama agree with Clinton appointee judges on the Supreme Court : No death s

Question: Does Obama agree with Clinton appointee judges on the Supreme Court : No death sentence for child rapists!?
The liberal majority said it was cruel and unusual punishment for child rapists!. They will only allow a death sentence if the child rape victim dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that decision is completely wrong!.

I absolutely think that anyone who rapes a child deserves to die!. Pervs who would even THINK about it need to be sent a clear message, and those who DO need to be wiped off the planet!.

Have no idea where Obama stands!.!. I'm not "for" ANY candidate (though I couldn't help but think that having the first woman prez would be SUPER cool, but never would have voted based on that!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, I think that rapists should be put to death!. Completely!.
It's clear that adhering to the Constitution is one of the most important things a politician can do!. Many Republicans base their campaigns on this, saying that they will uphold the Constitution!. And this Supreme Court decision was made on the basis of the Constitution:
"Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion that execution in this case would violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, citing "evolving standards of decency" in the United States!.
Such standards, the justice wrote, forbid capital punishment for any crime other than murder!."
In that light, the decision, though ethically undesirable, does make sense legally!.

also, note that Justice Anthony Kennedy, who had the decisive vote, was appointed by a Republican president--Ronald Regan--and, though not staunchly Republican, is not Liberal by any means!. Furthermore, in case you don't recall, the Supreme Court is largely Republican!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believe it or not many of us (not just many democrats but also nearly all libertarians) disagree with the death penalty in ALL cases!.

The question, for many, is not the moral or ethical 'evil' of the individual criminal!. Rather, the question is whether the state has the right to deprive its citizens of life!. Many of us interpret the constitution to protect that right!.

You do not need to agree, but you should understand that this is a valid interpretation of the constitution that many judges, politicians and voters have advanced!. The morality of the criminal act is quite beside the point!. It has everything to do with the power of government to deprive citizens (no matter how repugnant their behavior) of life and whether that power should be vested in the state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad to say Obama is against it and I'm a Republican! I like Barack though and he seems like a sincere man!. I don't agree with his politics since he's a Democrat, but he seems to be a good person!.

If I didn't already, this would make me like him! He is definitely against child rape!.

It has to be brave for him to hold this opinion considering he's deviating from much of his own liberal base (just like John McCain is brave for holding his own opnion and taking the lumps from many conservatives)!. See this news just from today about the Supreme Court and Barack Obama's reaction:


I personally think the rape of children (the Supreme Court cases were talking about two real cases with children under the age of 10!) is an inexcusable, horrible, completely unacceptable act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This saddens me!.

I hope that the changes Obama brings to our country take us in a better direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com