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Position:Home>History> I need some help finding some history of Slovenia?

Question: I need some help finding some history of Slovenia!?
I have checked wikipedia and found one site that may have had the information that I am looking for except it wasn't in english!. I would like to find the history of Slovenia pretaining to the year 829!. Does anybody know where I could find it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At this time, the area equivalent to Slovenia was known as Carantania!. It was part of the Frankish empire from 828!.

Here is a whole book all about the early history of Slovenia!


Page 46-47 discusses the situation around the year 829

Another book:

http://books!.google!.com/books!?id=oyiTg0w!.!.!. (round about page 50)

And some internet articles about the history of Slovenia or Carantania
