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Position:Home>History> American History- Mostly about the colonies.?

Question: American History- Mostly about the colonies!.!?
I had a few history questions I needed help with!.

- What was the French Commanders name whose Indian allies slaughtered the surrendered British troops following the battle of Fort William Henry!?

- After the peace treaty was signed between England and France, ending the french and indian war, England made what was considered a "direct tax" on the colonists!. This was the_____!?

-Many protesters in Boston were angered with this, and began to develop stratagies!. Most famous of these groups were!?
-Two members of this group were very different, one enjoyed fine clothing, etc!., the other had no interest in that but gave powerful speeches!. Who were these two!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Marquis de Montcalm

Stamp Act

Sons of Liberty

John Hancock, Samuel Adams (best guess, hard to say for certain with such little info; more certain on Adams)Www@QuestionHome@Com

John Hancock and Sam Adams is correct on #4!.Www@QuestionHome@Com