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Position:Home>History> American History Question. (About the Colonies mostly)?

Question: American History Question!. (About the Colonies mostly)!?
Ok here goes, I had about 5 questions that I didn't know from my American History Packet!. I really appreciate your help!

1!. In years before 1793, this east coast colony in America's was held by spain ______

2!. What was the first black settlement in North America!?

3!. What was the "Ocean Path"

4!. This fort was depicted in "Last of the mohicans", which fort had been attacked by the french and unsucessfully defended by the british!?

5!. The European name for the French and Indian was was!?

Thanks agian!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Florida

2!. Santa Teresa de Mose is established in Florida as a town for freed slaves who have converted to Catholicism!. It becomes the first free black town in North America!.

3!. Ocean Path
Acadia National Park, Maine

4!. Fort William Henry

5!. Seven Years War in Europe
