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Position:Home>History> What kinds of guns were used in World War II? Can you tell me about each?

Question: What kinds of guns were used in World War II!? Can you tell me about each!?
I am writing about World War II and one of my characters has a gun from the war!. Could you explain what guns were used and which side used each!? Thanks, you're a great help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Americans used:

Sidearm = 1911
Submachine gun = Thompson M1A1
Assault Rifle = We didn’t invent one yet
Standard Infantry Rifle = M1 Garand and M1 Carbine
Light machine gun = BAR or Browning 1919

The Germans used:

Sidearm = Luger
Submachine gun = MP40
Assault Rifle = MP43
Standard Infantry Rifle = Mauser
Light Machine Gun = MG34 and MG42Www@QuestionHome@Com

The main battle weapon of the US was the M1 garand in !.30 caliber!. It was semi-automatic!.The US also used the BAR(browning automatic rifle) , the Tompson machine gun and the !.30 carbine!. There were also variouse different kinds of machine guns including the !.50 caliber Browning!. The most common pistol was the !.45 automatic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well there are a lot but i know that the germans used the Luger pistol as their main sidearm and they used the MG42 in bunkers and such the MG42 was the heavy machine gun the germans used!. the tank,in WWII was an important weapon as the germans used it in a combination with motorbikes and infantry in their lightning tactic Blitzkrieg!.also Hitler comitted suicide with the Luger!.the most commonly used sniper rifles were the kahrbinkiner 98 and 94!.the MI grand was the most used semi automatic rifle though!. the americans used the tommy gun as the main machine gun!.well i hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hello, here is a list with all what you need to know =)


I suggest you to click the links in the list and read the description!.

But the germans used also captures firearms

Try here:

