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Position:Home>History> Question for historians:given that Barack Obama holds Abraham Lincoln in such hi

Question: Question for historians:given that Barack Obama holds Abraham Lincoln in such high esteem!?
What would Abraham Lincoln thought about Barack Obama's presidential campaign!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that he would be supportive of a candidate who attempts to protect national security, even at the cost of a bargaining with nations that don't share your ideology; he would've been willing to accept the Confederates back into the union, even with their backwards ways, if it would end the war and make his country better!.

Oh wait!. You want a race-related response!.

I think of Lincoln as a progressive abolitionist as opposed to an immediate abolitionist; though he was only forced to free blacks by the war, he was, after all, running on the Republican ticket, one built around freedom for all!. Therefore his seeming ambiguity on the topic of equality would've been more of a desire to introduce blacks into American society gradually, rather than dumping them into mainstream society immediately, where they would inevitably sink to the bottom (which they arguably did)!.

Therefore I think that Lincoln would've been proud that African-Americans have recovered from slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, etc!., to eventually take the highest post in the land!. I think that the process that happened, of blacks going from slave to lower class to middle class, and, finally, upper class society, while going from subaltern to subculture to ethnicity to mainstream populace and eventual hybridization, is very much what Lincoln would've wanted, though I think he would've wanted the whole process to progress twice as fast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is the source of the article, self-described on its web site:

The IHR is sometimes mischaracterized as a “Holocaust denial” organization!. This smear is completely at variance with the facts!. The Institute does not “deny the Holocaust!.” Every responsible scholar of twentieth century history acknowledges the great catastrophe that befell European Jewry during World War II!.

All the same, the IHR has published detailed books and numerous probing essays that call into question aspects of the orthodox Holocaust extermination story, and highlight specific Holocaust exaggerations and falsehoods!. IHR publications have devoted considerable attention to this issue because it plays an enormously significant role in the cultural and political life of America and much of the world!. As a number of Jewish scholars have acknowledged, the “Holocaust” campaign is a major weapon in the Jewish-Zionist arsenal!. It is used to justify otherwise unjustifiable Israeli policies, and to extort enormous sums of money, especially from European countries and companies!.

In some countries – including France, Germany, Austria and Israel – it is a crime to dispute the official or orthodox view of “the Holocaust!.” Many persons who have challenged the official view of this chapter of history have been imprisoned, fined and forced into exile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com