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Position:Home>History> Would would you consider the greatest Military Hero(es) in American History?

Question: Would would you consider the greatest Military Hero(es) in American History!?
Out of all the many military heroes in American History, who would you consider as the Greatest Military Hero or Heroes in American History and why!?

I would consider the men who served in the American Revolution as the Greatest American Military Heroes because the Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington were able to defeat the Strongest and Most Powerfulest Military in the world; The British Empire!. The Continental Army was not experienced and yet they were able to defeat a superpower and because of their victory over the British, future Americans who were not even born yet could have freedom and live in a great nation, the United States of America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Each and every soldier, sailor and airman who laid down his/her life for our freedoms!.

There is no greater hero!. Certainly, no General or Admiral ever gave more; regardless of what you have read!.


I would agree with you about George Washington but not because of his military ability (he lost most of his battles, and was only saved by a bad rainstorm at White Plains, NY Nov!. 1776) but because of his ability to keep the Army a fighting force!.
Other men I would consider General Omar Bradley!. He excelled in everything he did!. He created the Officer Candidate School system, lifted the Veterans Administration out of corruption and inefficiency, shaped the Army's focus on the individual soldier, and his innovative use of tank warfare saved the day in North Africa!. He was a great tactician who was instrumental in the Normandy invasion and the drive through Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any Medic, Corpsman or Combat search and Rescue crewman!. These men and now women risk all for there comrades and often do it unarmed and under heavy fire!. More Congressional Medals of Honor have been awarded to these types of heroes than any other!. To me a hero is someone who I can be aspired to become!. I would never wish to see the horrors these persons have but I'd like to believe I'd have the courage to do so if I had too!. They truly are heroesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bannister Tarleton-absolute genius and the cornerstone of the Loyalist forces fighting for King and Country in the southern colonies during the American Revolutionary War!.

Huzzah for the Queen's Legion! HUZZAH!

(Let's all forget about Cowpens, OK!? please!? )

PS "innovation"!? Could you check this in a dictionatry please!? The innovators were Hobart, Liddell Hart and Heinz Guderian!. Bradley was wise enough to copy blitzkreig, he didn't invent it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Hero" is not a word that best describes great strategic thinkers or even fantastic tacticans like Bradley, Patton, Sherman, Grant or Shwartkopf!.

A hero is a common soldier who despite being scared beyond belief does want has to be done!.

On that score, Audie Murphy stands out like no other!.

check out his grave stone and the write up below it!. Amazing stuff !.!.!. especially for a kid who was barely 5' 5" and not quite 120 pounds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dwight Eisenhower, his planning of the D-Day invasion was one of the major turning points in the war against Germany which had a good chance of taking over the world if not stopped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rambo becuase!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. um!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. well he killed a lot of bad dudes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com