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Position:Home>History> Did Germans capture slaves in ships?

Question: Did Germans capture slaves in ships!?
I was wandering if there was ever a moment in history when Germans captured white slaves on their ships, and tortured them by burning their feet with coals!? I know this is a long-shot question, but the scenario was played out infront of me in a dream I had last night and was just wandering if the Germans had done this!? Possibly during wwII when they captured jews!?!.!.that was the impression I got, but don't understand why they'd put them in a boat!. I'm really curious about it as the dream was so realistic!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes they did!. The Germans were notorious slave traders up until the early 1980's when the slave trade was abolished throughout most of Europe!. Most historians consider that slavery officially ended with the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 2001!. The Berlin Wall was always seen as a symbol of the evil German slave trade since it's construction by Welsh slaves at the beginning of the 19th Century!. However they did not burn their slaves feet!. Slaves, whilst not free, were not usually treated harshly!.

I find it interesting that your dream was so accurate!. Perhaps you subconsciously heard about the German slave trade on the Discovery Channel while you were sleeping!. Or perhaps you are a reincarnated Welsh slave!. Or a German!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rather early in history- 1100's - that would be possible!. There was a lot of fighting during the conquest of the Baltic sea coastline and a lot of the combat was done on ships- with lots of raiding villages and taking prisoners/ slaves

19th century Germans were not keen on slave trade- they got rather late into the colonial race in any case!. It is possible however that some german (or british, french or arab or chinese) person operated a steam ship (as in burning coals)in the pacific ocean- and engaged in slave tradingWww@QuestionHome@Com

as far as i know Germans did not capture slaves!. they were quite big on catching witches once, and what you describe was one form of making witches confess!.

it is also described in a poem by Schiller, a German poet (die füsse im feuer)

with the Jews I'm afraid they had more sophisticated torture methods, if they deemed it nessesary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why Germans!? Just because Hitler came into our nation, joined a radical political group, gained power in that, then overthrew the government, took power within and was elected because he abused and took advantage of German pride and need!? If you think this is why, then you are a sick person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was rather the Vikings, people of Scandinavia who captured slaves in ships and in the Mediterranean's sea, it was the PhoeniciansWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont really know because this is the first time ive acctualy heard about something like this!.

its a bit randomWww@QuestionHome@Com