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Position:Home>History> Ok i dont understand who attacked who. The spanish armada or the english armada

Question: Ok i dont understand who attacked who!. The spanish armada or the english armada !?
the spanish attacked england and england attacked spain!.

who attacked each other first!? :lWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Spanish Armada was launched to invade England in order to instate Catholic rulers!. When they (the Spanish) failed in their mission, the English launched a counter strike the next year!. None of these two fleets were very successful, and I think both sides decided that this wasn't a very great idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spain was an established power and England was an upstart island!. It wasn't very rich or very powerful but it really got on Spain's nerves because it didn't seem to realize this (Religion was also involved)!.

A few English privateers (Pirates by another name) started harrassing Spanish shipping and there were a couple of "diplomatic incidents" and the Spanish decide to get together with a couple of England's more traditional enemies and invade (Spain attacked first)!.

The English knew the sea better and made some good moves and manage to panic the Spanish and to take some of them out, the Spanish then made a big error by trying to escape the English by sailing though some pretty bad waters around Scotland and Ireland and even more of them were killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spanish armada was assembled to attack England!. It had a huge number of fighting ships, designed to knock aside the British navy, so that the transport ships carrying troops could land unopposed!. The english fleet did attack the Spanish armada, and inflicted a little damage!. It was the weather though that demolished the Armada, as it made the deadly error of sailing north and east, committing them to having to circle the entire island of england, and allowing the north seas to hammer them to pieces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Spanish sent the fleets to invade England (three different armadas over a period of 10 or 15 years)!.

There was looming war between Spain and England for decades!. The Queen of England, Elizabeth I, held it off by promising marraige to a Spanish Prince (which she never really intended doing)!.

The Spanish were frustrated by England's support of privateers against Spanish trade vessels!. At the treaty of Nonsuch (1585!?), Elizabeth promised to help the Dutch free themselves from Spanish rule!. This was what touched off the first Spanish armada!.

Yes, these are confusing times!. It all boils down to the attempts by the Catholic crowns of Spain, France and Scotland to rid England of Protestant rule!. Elizabeth's father, Henry VIII, separated England from the Catholic church so he could marry Anne Bolyn!.

Hope that helps clear it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

from wat i remember of euro history was that the spanish decided that they wanted to fight the english and bring them again to christianity since Elizabeth I let ppl worship who they wanted freely or more accuratly turned a blind eye to it, she did not want to fight but realli had no choice at first they were losing but then they won and destroyed the spanish armada!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Spanish Armada was in 1588!.

The English Armada was in 1589!.

So the Spanish Armada was first!.

While the Spanish Armada is very famous, few people have heard of the English Armada!.


The Spanish armada was assembled to attack England!. Luckily a combination of the weather and the ability of the smaller English ships to manoeuvre more nimbly than the Spanish ships, won the day for the English!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spanish were intending on invading england!. So the we raised an armarda to defend and defeat the spanish so the english sent a few fire ships so the english attacked first and we won!Www@QuestionHome@Com

English armada!? LOL!. English fleet you mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Spanish Armada was destroyed by a storm, not he English fleet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com