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Position:Home>History> What do Vikings wear?

Question: What do Vikings wear!?
My niece is having a Viking day at school were she has to dress up as a Viking, her mum is useless at getting her sorted for these kind of things so I thought I'd help her! (my niece that is not her mum)

What kind of things did they wear!? (the girls) and is there anything I might have in my wardrobe that she could wear or would it be best to make something!?

Thanks for the helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There you go :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

furs and things of that nature; usually wool!.

IMPORTANT NOTE -- Vikings did NOT wear helmets with horns!. there is NO historical proof to prove this, a helmet with horns has NEVER been found signifying that they were not worn, it is only a legend!. actually, only ONE viking helmet has ever been unearthed, so it can be assumed that the vikings did not wear helmets-- (and of course, as you noted were talking about a woman, so she would not be wearing battle clothes anyways)

this is what a helmet would have looked like


this one is a picture hope it helps

NOT horns - that was just for the priests!.
Anyone using the Iorvik centre in York for a promo has to sign an undertaking not to show Vikings in horned helmets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mostly stuff that covered the entire top of there heads with the occcasional two horns (one left : one right) like in the linkWww@QuestionHome@Com

A special thanks to all who nixed the horned helmet!.
I was beginning to break out in a cold sweat, imagining the poor dear arriving at school, looking like she just left a bad opera!!Www@QuestionHome@Com