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Position:Home>History> Why did hilter decide to commit suicide?

Question: Why did hilter decide to commit suicide!?
Hilter and his wife suddenly in the middle of the war commited suicide!.What caused them to and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because Hitler was a COWARD _) (_ Nothing reveals Hitler's lack of faith in his own agenda like suicide!. If Hitler was truly as great as many on this forum wish to imagine he would have endured any number of trials, no matter how 'unjust' to argue his case - - - Hitler had no case and in the end ended his miserable existence with a bullet to the brain whilst biting down on a capsule of cyanide!.


PS as for Eva, she stood by her man to the end and in her own twisted way felt that it was a supremely romantic gesture!.
Note, Eva was not the only B^tch to die, Blondie, Hitler's faithful German Shepherd Dog was also dispatched with a capsule of cyanide!.!.!.!.
And in his own twisted way Hitler thought his death was good propaganda - - - initially it was reported that 'Der Fuhrer' fell in Battle defedning Berlin against the Soviet horde!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well maybe if the British or Americans would have captured him they would have been merciful and because of his importance for Germany maybe only exiled him instead of committing him for war crimes!. Hitler also know the Russians were brutal and he would receive no mercy, he also saw what happen to Mussolini how his body had been mutilated by a large crowd, and Hitler didn't want the same thing to happen to him!. Most of all I believe Hitler wanted to go down with the Reich!. He didn't want to live to see Russian supremacy over eastern Germany!. He probably didn't want to be considered a coward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was Eva his wife!? I thought she was his mistress!? He was such a head case I can't see him "giving up!." If he was deluded enough to think that what he was doing was all right then I am sure he could have talked himself into thinking he was going to get away with it, or be worshipped as a hero!. I wonder if he thought he was going to become a martyr by committing suicide!. I just can't see the snivelling little coward doing himself either tho!. Perhaps someone else did the deed for them!? I guess we will never know!. To me this is one of those cases where its just too darn bad you can only die once!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not everybody is sure he did!. The Russians were close to completely cutting off all possible exits from the bunker, and Hitler was not in a state of mind to give in!. There is a theory that he was shot by the SS guards present, who then tried to make a breakout!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wasn't the middle of the war--it was the end!. The Soviets had entered Berlin and Hitler knew that the war was over!. Rather than face his failure, he and Eva Braun killed themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he knew he was defeated and he had a trong ego and did not whant to suffer the consecuences and face whatever was his verdict!.
also I think he talked his wife into following him!.

They actually given safe passage out of the country, with the rest of the Nazi war criminals!. Maybe they went to Barbados, nobody knows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All i can tell you is he wanted the easy way out of his crime!. Instead of rotting in the dark depths of jail he wanted to run from his problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could not face loosing and the convicting of a war crimes trial !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he killed himself (i think) because if he hadn't he would have been taken prisoner and spent a life in jail or executed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com