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Position:Home>History> What event in history could this possibly be?

Question: What event in history could this possibly be!?
There is a man or (men) with a gun that shoots at long range, he targets, shoots and kills children one by one as they play in front yards of houses that are very close together!. The setting is older about early 1800's-1960!. The children are all Caucasian, maybe Europeans or any sort of English settlement!. There is lots of horses and their are many men in that town riding them ,many leaving the town on the horses!.

I had this dream a while back and it's very distinct to me for some reason ,because of how random it is and how the detail was so clear even down to a little boys face who managed to leave the town and was not killed ,because the shooter sympathized him and told him how where to go to escape on a horse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Russian Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This would be a WTF moment!.!.!. this was a dream!? not a movie or something!? Why do you think it is an actual event!? Sounds like a decent but sad short story!.!.!.

Are you trying to identify a past life or something!?

If you want me to take a swing at it!.!.!.

Or perhaps any part of WWI in the European countryside!.

Actually the guess of Russian revolution is a pretty good one!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd go with the Russian Revolution guess - although it could be just about anything!.
Interpreting dreams is not my strong point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What!.!.!. the !.!.!. ****!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A dream is a dream and history is history and never the two shall meet !. This is not a recognizable event in history !. No matter how real this dream is to you it just isn't an historical event !. To have multiple shootings of children would be highly unusual in a historical context !. Children were rarely the center of any attack so any attack on children would surely have been well documented and I have never heard of any such event !. At least not until the second half of the 20th century America !. Then it would be cases like columbine and not a distant adult sniper !. The closest thing I have ever heard of is the Texas university shootings !. A sniper shot 45 people killing 14 before being killed by Texas a police officer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com