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Position:Home>History> Around the World During the Civil War?

Question: Around the World During the Civil War!?
What Was going on in the world during the Civil War!? Did anything else important happen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Good question!.!.!.

Actually lots of things were happening!. For one the French invaded Mexico and set up an Austrian Prince (Maxamillian) as King!. The French Foriegn Legion's greatest battle (Camerone) was fought in 1862 in Mexico!.


Central Europe was liberalizing and Germany was begining the process of Unification

Britian was defeating China in the Second China War in 1860 http://www!.britishempire!.co!.uk/forces/ar!.!.!.

And the Russian Czar feared a mass munity of his Navy, so he sent it out of the country to keep it out of trouble!. In October 1863, at the invitation of the US Federal Government, the Russian Imperial Pacific Fleet was invited to winter in San Francisco at Mare Island!. This allowed the Russian Fleet to undergo repairs, and provided an opportunity for the Federal Government of the United States to offset British and French Naval fleets also harbored in San Francisco — fleets whose governments may have been inclined to support the Confederacy!.


The serfs were freed in Russia!.
Prince Albert died in Britain!.
The Taiping rebellion ended in China
Louis Pasteur developed the technique to kill germs in milk in France!.

I'd also suggest looking up Maximillian in Mexico!. I believe the Juaristas won their revolution during our Civil War!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the Victorian Era and the highth of the Industrial Revolution in England and much of Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com