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Position:Home>History> More trivia of any type?

Question: More trivia of any type!?
I have some here: Puerto Ricans call a typical tropical dish codfish salad!. Yet cod fish comes from Newfoundland, Canada quite cold, near the artic, most of the year!. Marlene Dietrich, John F!. and Robert F!. Kennedys, Michael Jackson, Bette Davis, Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon had one thing in common: their fathers were total tyrants in their households!. And J!. Edgard Hoover, former FBI's boss, reading habits were encyclopedias and Reader Digest and newspapers!. No literature!. Feedback, please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Bruno,
Interesting choice Sir!.
Consider please the following;
[1] Britain's present royal family was originally named Saxe-Coburg and Gotha!. The name was changed in 1917, during WW1 because of German connotations!. The name Windsor was suggested by one of the staff!. At the same time the Battenberg family name of the cousins to the Windsors was changed into Mountbatten!.
[2] The peace symbol was created in 1958 as a nuclear disarmament symbol by the Direct Action Committee, and was first shown that year at peace marches in England!. The symbol is a composite of the semaphore signals N and D, representing nuclear disarmament!.
[3] The White House, in Washington DC, was originally gray, the color of the sandstone it was built out of!. After the War of 1812, during which it had been burned by Canadian troops, the outside walls were painted white to hide the smoke stains!.
And my last contribution is this;
Did you know, that the world's largest trivia contest is hosted in the U!.S!. by the WWSP University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point's alternative radio station!? It's held annually in early April, and features hundreds of teams and thousands of contestants form all over the world!.
Good luck my friend,

What popular candy was invented the same year the Titanic sank!? Life Savers

Calvin Coolidge refused to use the telephone while he was President!. A man of few words, he once said, "If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it!."

The state song of Kansas is "Home on the Range"

President John Quincy Adams owned a pet alligator which he kept in the East Room of the White House!.

Ronald Reagan was the only president to have ever worn a NAZI uniform!. (He wore it as an actor in a movie) ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ah, let's see!.!.!.
Gen!. George S!. Patton once wrote a "love" letter home to the little Mrs!. and described her crotch as a "skunk!."

Winston Churchill and his wife slept in separate bedrooms and only got together for romance when she would send him written invitation!. also, on the flight to theTehran Conference, he (and his physician) slept on a matress thrown on the floor of the waist gunner's position!. The doctor noted that Churchill slept in nothing but a vest and that his cheeks were "rosie!."

Senators JFK and LBJ both voted against the Civil Rights Bill in 1957!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pajero in spanish means wanker - i wonder why the nissan pajero is not a popular car in spain!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sir Alan Sugar DOESN'T use a booster seat!Www@QuestionHome@Com