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Question: Fave Historical figure!?
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Agnes Milne,
-She was the second factory inspector in Adelaide at the end of the 19th century and
- in spite of lack of support from the first factory inspector, a man,
-she inspected as many of the small sweatshops in the city as she could
-sweatshops, where the women, often recent migrants, were made to work all hours for virtually nothing
- sometimes even having to pay the employer for so called shoddy work!.

She did it on her own
-without moral or practical support
-and she made a change that was signficant affecting the lives of hundreds of women
-there's not one statue nor memorial to her that I know of

So thanks for this chance to honour her hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

St!. Nicholas Owen, S!.J!.

I wrote a screenplay on the guy when I was about 20, so I'm kind of partial!. But here's a brief description: Little shrimpy guy, b!.~ 1570-d!. 1606, crippled when a horse trod on him!. In those days, being crippled and short were two very definite strikes against you in life--people would never take you seriously!.

Owen, though, was a genius, architecturally speaking!. I mean, this guy was seriously awesome!. His material was a collection of Catholic noble houses in the late 1500s-early 1600s, and he singlehandedly built the "underground railroad" of safe-houses for priests and other hunted Catholics to hide in while the English government searched for them!. Double-false-doors, hiding people in chimney flues, equipping the holes with feeding tubes and water and close-stools (early toilets) so that they wouldn't have to leave the hiding space to survive!. They're still discovering places that he made today--he built them cleverly and secretly enough that nobody's found them for 400 years!.

After the Gunpowder Plot, when Catholics were hunted down (and his Jesuit superior, Henry Garnet, was suspected--to some degree rightly, to some wrongly--of being involved in the plot), Owen was captured by the English forces and brought to the Tower of London!.

This puny little guy was the only one who knew where all the hiding spaces were in all of England!. If he'd talked, literally hundreds of people would be found!. He didn't talk for four months, when he (to put it euphemistically) "died accidentally in captivity" (in reality, he was tortured to death)!. He singlehandedly was strong enough to save his cause throughout all of England, and saved the lives of literally thousands of people (those who would be found, and those who would be harboring them!.)

Seriously awesome on all accounts of brains and guts!.

Other favorite figures include Buddha, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Chief Joseph, Mahatma Gandhi, Rumi, Nat Turner, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Sophie Scholl, Peter Lorre (a Jewish '40s villain actor who directly told Hitler to screw off when Hitler asked him to play in Nazi movies, saying "There is only one room in Germany for one mass-murderer of your capability and mine!." Re!. Lorre being Jewish: Yes, he was ethnically Jewish (just like many actors who changed their names in the studio days), and he wasn't German, he was Austro-Hungarian, born Laszlo Lowenstein in Rosenberg, Hungary, June 26, 1904!. Lorre grew up in Vienna, Austria, having moved there in 1910!. Questioner's asking for "favorite historical figures," not for "who do you think were the most important people in history" (my choices might be quite different then) and he qualifies under that rubric!. Ref: 'Masters of Menace, Greenstreet and Lorre,' by Ted Sennett, pub!. 1979!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agrippina the younger from Ancient Rome!.
She married her uncle Claudius after killing his wife, then killed their son to make hers (Nero) heir to the throne!. Then she killed her uncle/husband, and became the most powerful woman ever to walk the streets of rome!. She was hated, and took doses of poison daily so that she could build an immunity incase anyone tried to kill her!. She had a sexual relationship with her son, who ultimately had her stabbed to death after first trying to drown her, and then setting up a contraption above her bed so that her roof would collapse while she slept!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sir Winston Churchill was the greatest man of the 20th century!. He rescued his country from defeat an held the fort until the Americans were dragged in by Japan!.

[PS someone said Peter Lorre - Jewish actor!. He was German and he was not Jewish!. He was a great actor but hardly a historical figure]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ednyfed Fychan (Ednyfed the short), he was the progenitor of a family so slippery and devious they could make Edmund Blackadder look tame! Embezzlement, murder, kidnap and balls the size of hot air balloons!

Quite fond of Christopher Marlowe, an Elizabethan playwright (contemporary of Shakespeare), brawler, secret agent!.

Churchill was a racist, mysoginistic, depressive, alcoholic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!. I would have to say 'Cleopatra', she is very interesting to read about, and there still is more to find out about her through archeological evidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Gleebe,
Leben des Galilei, or as he is better known as Galileo!.

Baron Von Trapp, Maria Augusta KutscheraWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a trick question!.!.!.!.Nefertiti and king Tut cause I love Egyptian and Nubian civilizations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well choice of two!?Budica Leader of the Icienee,or Good Queen Bess(Liz the wunth)Both Women & they Did'nt Take any Sh*t!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ghandi - imagine if his policy of non-violent protest was adopted globallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think Alexander the Great or Napoleon Bonaparte!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Violette Szabo - S!.O!.E agent in occupied France during WW2Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alexander the GreatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Catherine of Aragon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Abraham LincolnWww@QuestionHome@Com

Winston Churchill, he did a lot of good for Britain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a soft spot for Joan of Arc for some reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bodica she kicked ***Www@QuestionHome@Com


abraham LincolnWww@QuestionHome@Com

George CarlinWww@QuestionHome@Com