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Question: What is the Illuminati!?
i have a vauge idea about it but!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Persephone was kidnapped by Hades to be his wife!. Her mom hit the sky (her hubby, Zeus)!.!.!. Perse's mom was the goddess of earth!. Zeus complained to Hades about it, Hades agreed to return Persephone to her mom twice a year, and the mother (can't catch her name right now) was so glad that those times of year turned to spring and summer!.

Persephone is very much a capital type, don't you think!? Loyal, of high lineage, kidnapped!. She suits that place!. If she's there!.!.!.

The Illuminati
in ancient times, in Bavaria, were an "Enlightenment-era secret society!."
More recenlty, most people think of these types of folks as "the masterminds" of conspiracies, or the "power behind thrones!."
I'd call them a 'think tank!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both real and fictitious!. Historically, it refers specifically to the (Bavarian) Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded in the late eighteenth century!. However, in modern times it refers to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy power behind the throne, allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati!. In this context, Illuminati is often used in reference to a New World Order (NWO)!. Many conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of such a New World Order!.