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Position:Home>History> Did the spaniards rape the blacks and indian women creating latinos?

Question: Did the spaniards rape the blacks and indian women creating latinos!?
I heard it in an Immortal Technique songWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually the term "latino" refers to those of who speak languages derived from Latin!. The spaniards colonized the americas that were inhabited by natives!. their offspring became a mestizo people!. this means that they were part spanish and part indian!. the blacks have nothing to do with latinos or mestizos, the offspring of a spaniard and a black would be mulattoWww@QuestionHome@Com

lol!.!.!.i read the question and remembered those lyrics and didnt know if you were quoting that on accident!. apparently not

now!.!.!.!.as opposed to the british who settled in north america, the spanish who came did not bring families!. they were mostly male adventurers that came for profit!. thus, they needed to have sex with SOMEONE!. turns out the native women (look up Malinche and Cortes as an example) were perfect targets!. now as for rape, yes of course it did happen!. and for black women the same thing happened (african slaves were brought in to offset native losses due to disease and overwork in mines - and this sexual mixing, interestingly, did happen in the british colonies as well!. see thomas jefferson and his slaves)!.

if you look at the sexual history of latin america, you will see many distinctions became used in order to distinguish between the various mixes of people that were popping up (mestizo, castizo, cholo, and on and on and on)!. this trying to keep the pure blood spanish on top!. and the fact that these distinctions did appear in the language shows that there really WERE mixes between the spanish, natives, and blacks that were taking place, creating the new race of latinos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes their were rapes!. When you look at the Navajo Reservation their are many natives that look very Hispanic!. The reason is that many native women were raped by the soldiers!. Now Mexican are people with three different ethic groups in them!. Spanish European, native American, and African blood makes up the Mexican population!. The African slaves were brought in because the Spanish killed 40 million natives during their conquest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com