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Question: Calendar question!.!.!.!?
did the early calendar start with Sunday or MONDAYWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I do not know what you consider to be "the early calender" but for a long time Sunday was in fact seen as the first day of the week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In order to measure great lengths of time, Scientists use JULIAN DATES!. Julian Dates calculate the number of days since the beginning of time!. June 24, 2008 is JD 2454642!. Using this system, The arbitrary start of time was on January 1, 4713 b!.c!.e!., which was a Monday!.

James Ussher, a 17th century Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, calculated that God created the Earth on October 23, 4004, b!.c!.e!. at dusk!. It was a Sunday!. I still drink a toast every October 23, to honor Archbishop Ussher and the Creation of the World, although his method probably produced the wrong dates!!Www@QuestionHome@Com