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Position:Home>History> In WWII did the nazis conquer spain?

Question: In WWII did the nazis conquer spain!?
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No Spain was officially neutral, though as a fascist state it was a natural ally of Germany!. The Spanish dictator Franco had just won power after a three year civil war!. He kept his exhausted country out of the war when Hitler refused him his price for joining, the French colonies in North Africa!.
Spain did cooperate with Axis intelligence and even sent a division of 'volunteers' to fight on the Russian front near Leningrad, side by side with the Wehrmacht!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Spain was essentially an ally to the Nazis!.

Spanish dictator Francisco Franco called Spain a "nonbelligerent member of the Axis!." In other words, although he was a Fascist and politically supported Hitler and Mussolini, he was reluctant to enter the war because he was uncertain about the outcome and Spain was still reeling from it's bloody 1936 - 1939 Civil War!. Franco met with Hitler in 1940 to negotiate Spain's entry into the war, but no agreement was made!. However, the two remained on good terms and Franco sent a volunteer force of about 47,000 soldiers called the Blue Division to fight alongside the German Army in the Soviet Union!. Franco refused to implement the anti-Semitic laws that Hitler demanded, but still, Spain remained in talks with the Nazis to discuss entering the war until 1943, when it became apparent that the Allies were going to win!. Franco's government then declared neutrality and remained in power until the 1970s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Franco was asked by Hitler to join the Axis, he said no!. Then Franco was asked to let German troops transit Spain in order to take Gibraltar and thus close the Mediterranean!. Franco refused!. Hitler later complained of the toughness of Franco in defending Spain's interests even if the ideologies of Nazism and Nationalism/Falangism had coincidences!. The option left, to invade, would distract too many men without any important gain!. Had the Germans invaded, they would had to face a union of Nationalists, Republican, Anarchists, Communists, Catalan and Basque Nationalists!. It just wasn't worth it!. The consolation prizes, the Blue Division that fought in Russia and the volunteers that joined the Kriegsmarine, the Luftwaffe and the Waffen SS assuaged the disappointment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe Spain was mostly a neutral country!. It was in economic ruin and couldn't afford to go to war!. Spain was supplying the Axis powers with materials, money and military assistance!. It owed a debt to Germany for helping them through a civil war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no but Spain offered German U- Boats docking and German military attaches and personnel aid in different areas - Franco of Spain sent some Spanish troops to the eastern front but only a small contingent!. Spain remained officially neutral and was fascistWww@QuestionHome@Com

They didn't have to, Spain was already under a Facist government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Spain was neutral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Franco was a friend of Hitler and no threat to himWww@QuestionHome@Com

apparently , no !Www@QuestionHome@Com
