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Question: Need help writting intro!?
Need help writting intro!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Why was the six day war such a watershed moment!?

ok so bellows the basis of my info I need a gd intro for essay any ideas

it was territory expansion for Isr
b) led to birth of PLO from muslim brotherhood!.
c) legitimized isr to other nations which led to $
d) the decimation to other nations' miltary created imbalance
e) intense boost to isr cultureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First if it's a 1500-2000 word essay, the number of points you have is fine but if its around 600-1000, I suggest trimming it down or condensing it to three major points!. (maybe just use the PLO, $ and Imbalance points)


if you have the luxury of time, try to make something that captures the reader in the beginning like:

"Since the founding of state of Israel, it has been at war with its Arab neighbors !.!.!.(and winning or something like that)!. One such war, the six day war, gave Israel considerable praise and credibility as a nation (or something of the sort)!.

THis can be a separate paragaraph or, if you can, integrate it with the main introductory paragraph which I'll try to outline below!.
1!. State the facts briefly:

The Six day war,which happened in June 5 to 10 1967, saw Israel winning against the combined forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, which were backed by the other Arab nations!.This victory saw Israel's annexation of the (whatever territories) from the defeated (Find better word)!.

2!. State your thesis (your hypothesis/judgment):

This war earned its reputation as a "watershed moment" meaning, (define "watershed moment"), because (enumerate your points)!.

*Obviously you need to use more academic language and connect the above mentioned better than what I did!.

hope this helps and was understandable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com