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Question: Why is history important!?
I love history, i think it's really interesting!. But I was reading this mythology book earlier and my dad asked me why that would even be put into a book!. He asked me why it was important, and I couldn't think of an answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Most people are curious about their past!. In the case of your book on mythology, it shows how those people, whether greek, egyptian, norse, or whatever, thought how they first came into being, the nature of their gods, and how they were stood in the grand scheme of things!. Even if it is "only" myth, it's interesting because you can compare how we look at such things today!.
And of course, how do you understand things work unless you know where they came from!? What would happen if every electronic item and combustion engine would stop today!? How did people live before those things!? What are the chances of a societal collapse, and what might it look like!? History provides at least some of these answers!.
And finally, history is fun!. After all, who would write a book about some Austrian peasant who tries to conquer the world, or about a ship full of people that sinks in the North Atlantic, killing 2/3 of the people on board, many of them famous and/or rich!? History is often stranger than fiction!.

note: yes, I am aware that Wreck of the Titan did describe something like the wreck of the Titanic!. A bit eerie, but the book didn't come close to being as dramatic as the real thing)Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is important for a lot of reasons!.

One reason history is important for us to learn and understand is so that we don't make the same mistakes as those who have lived before us!. We can learn through the lessons of others what is right and what is wrong, as well as what works and what doesn't!.

Another reason history is important is because it allows us to be creative!. By knowing a bit about history you can use some of the same knowledge people did years ago to create something new!. An example is how the automobile was created, with the idea of a horse-drawn carriage with an engine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

History is the story of our earth and the events and people that shaped it!. It should be important to every person that the history be learned and held in high regard!. We should learn from our mistakes and of the stories that led to those mistakes!. It is fascinating that in history if one thing didn't go correctly we would be in a different positions!. What if the Greeks lost to the Persians!? What if Alexander the Great had lived!? What if Hitler won World War II!? What if the US and USSR decided to nuke each other!? This is why history is so important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being interesting is enough of a reason for anything to be put in a book!.

But as to why history is important - one reason might be to stop us making the same mistakes over and over again!. I admit that this is just a theory, but surely one day we'll learn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

so you can learn from it!.

if Hitler learned from History he would not have failed so miserably when invading Russia!. (MANY armies in the past have lost because they fought on two fronts, AND Napoleon Bonaparte had tried to invade Russia!.!.!. and it didn't work)Www@QuestionHome@Com

b/c history is our base it's where we came from with out hisotry we are nating so we must now the history to do devoleop our mind if we now history we will be not lern from the past and we will be making the same mistake that our grandfathers did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do it because it's fun and interesting, what more do you want!. You could ask, why play baseball!? (or what ever he's interested in)Www@QuestionHome@Com

To learn about the past, because the past repeats itself in the present!. We can learn from mistakes or improve upon previous actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because history is the past and we use it to learn out of our mistakes! Sorry but your dad seems a bit ignorant (no offense stuff like that belongs into books!)Www@QuestionHome@Com