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Question: Elizabeth of York!?
Was Elizabeth of York's birth name Elizabeth Plantagenet!? I've been looking, but I can't find anywhere which refers to her as Elizabeth with her surname OR married surname (Tudor)!. She's always talked about as Eliz!. of York!



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes she was!. Her father was Edward IV Look at this link!.

I believe she was Plantagenet!. She married a Tudor!. I don't know how that works, but she would have BECOME Tudor!. Her maiden name would be Plantagenet!. But from what I've read, royalty never really used surnames, even if they had one!.

EDIT: to the person below!. She did not ask about Queen Elizabeth I which is the daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, she asked about Elizabeth of York, which is before Queen Elizabeth I, I believe Elizabeth of York was actually Queen Elizabeth I's grandmother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elizabeth of York was part of the Plantagenet "family" but she was never refered to as "Elizabeth Plantagenent" !. The York part of her name comes the branch of the Plantagenet family tree that she comes from (Either Lancaster or York)!.

As a young child she would have been referred to simply as "The Princess Elizabeth" (the title Princess Royal had not come into existence yet) !.

In 1475 when she was nine she became betrothed to Charles, the Dauphin of France & her parents insisted that she be called "Dauphine" Once that bethrothle ended in 1482 (Charles' father Louis XI decided to marry his son to Margaret of Austria) Elizabeth once again was known as "The Princess Elizabeth"
In 1483 Elizabeth's father Edward IV died!. From that point on Elizabeth was referred to as either The Princess Elizabeth of York or The Lady Elizabeth of York (those who referred to her as Lady Elizabeth were generally those who believed that her parents marriage was invalid & that she and her siblings were all illegitimate)
On January 18, 1486 Elizabeth married Henry VII (Tudor) and at that point she became known as "Her Grace the Queen" or "Queen Elizabeth"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well surnames as such were not the vogue in those days, Was more likely to be the place of their ancestry or country, or the house to which they were a member!.!.!.!. Well she was of the house of York and was referred to as such!. The Plantagenet or Tudor names would have been incidental!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Queen Elizabeth never married!.
She was from the Tudor family !.

There are many other links on line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

is Elizabeth of York¨s and Enrique VII after the battle of Bosworth !.

york′s house were the kings of England not Tudor House !.

Sorry for my English !!

see you later !.Www@QuestionHome@Com
