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Position:Home>History> A tricky world war 2 question, answers please?

Question: A tricky world war 2 question, answers please!?
World War 2; when, what, where, why and how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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1931japan invades manchuria creating tensions between japan and china and russia 1933 adolf hitler comes into power!. 1936 hitler militarizes the rhineland officialy breaking the treaty of versailles established after world war 1 1938 hitler invades chechoslovakia and annexes austria and then promises to make no more demands!. 1939 hitler demands the port city of danzig in poland and when britain denies and agrees to back poland, hitler signs a non aggression pact with russia and they both invade poland!. this pact smashes japans hopes of invading russia and they instead change their plans to the indies and to creating a pacific empire!. 1940 germany invades denmark and norway!. due to britains poor performance in defending norway, prime minister chamberlain is removed and replaced with winston churchill!. germany then invades france using its blitzkreig tactic and conquers it in 6 weeks!. british troops evacuate at dunkirk and there is no longer any allied resistance in mainland europe!. hitler sets up a puppet state in france under the vichy regime headed by a world war one hero, petan!. meanwhile the japanese fleet attemts to invade australia but is turned back by the allied fleet!. after the conquering of france, hitler announces operation sea lion, his plan to invade britain!. he states that air superiority is needed to support the landers and begins bombing air bases and military targets in britain!. at the sametime italy begins its african campaign but halts early before its destination of the suez canal!. british troops counter attack and italian leader benito mussolini begs for germanys help!. hitler appoints general erwin rommel, soon to be famous as the desert fox, to lead the afrika korps which included a light tank and panzer division!. rommel then advanced to alexandria, even with insuperior forces!. meanwhile hitler became impatient with the bombing of britain and decided to switch to civillian targets to try to break the british morale!. hitler eventually gave up on op!. sea lion and began to concentrate his forces for an invasion of his ally russia!. unfortunately for him, mussolini decided to invade the balkans but failed (again) !. hitler postponed the invasion (codenamed operation barbarossa) and conquered the balkans including crete by paratroopers!. hitler decided paratroopers inefficient after their miserable performance on crete!. finally several months late, hitler began op!. barbarossa, hoping to conquer russia by winter!. hitler advanced towards moscow but then split his weakened army to attempt to capture leningrad stalingrad and moscow all at the same time!. all three attacks failed and the german army stopped for the winter!. on december 7 1941 japan bomped pearl harbor destroying most of the u!.s!. pacific fleet!.!. meanwhile the russian winter sets in, and russia gives a fierce counter attack!. pushing the german forces back!. 1942 germany renews its drive to moscow with oncoming of spring!. the forces in africa reach the farthest point of advance and are forced to create a defensive position because of lack of forces!. the u!.s!. attacks at midway, and sinks most of the japanese carriers, changing the tide of the war!. winter again sets in on russia, and the soviet army strikes back even harder than before, pushing the german army back behind their 1941 line!. as 1943 sets in, britsh and american forces begin to invade africa!. with little forces to defend himself rommel urgently requests reinforcements, but hitler denies!. he is pushed back to tunisia where his forces are destroyed and he is forced to pull out of africa completely!. german forces attempt an attack at the cacaucus oilfields but are turned back!. with the german army rapidly weakening, hitler begins to lose his sanity and fires several officers because they are pessimists!. meanwhile allied forces invade italy, the "soft underbelly of the axis"!. germany starts to send reserve forces to create defense lines in italy!. russia continues to push german forces back and on june 6 1944 allied forces invaded at normandy and established a beach head!. meanwhile in the pacific, the u!.s!. began "island hopping" past japanese strongpoints towards the japanese mainland!. allied forces in france liberate paris!. with the allied forces rapidly approaching the german mainland on both sides, hitler becomes desperate!. he throws all of his forces in the western front against the north side to attempt to recapture antwerp, and by time for the defense lines on the original german border to be rebuilt!.!. both objectives failed and germany was overrun!. as enemy forces approached berlin, hitler commits suicide by drinking poison!. the remaining forces head south and surrender in may 1945!. with the atalantic front over, the u!.s focuses soley on japan!. they invade and take control of iwo jima and okinawa but sustain heavy losses!. with the recent succes of the manhattan project and the newly created atomic bomb, president truman decides against an invasion of japan and drop two atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki!. russia then invades manchuria and the japanese forcessurrender!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

World war II was a number of conflicts that began and ended at different times!.
War between Japan and China started in 1936!.
In September 1939 a European war started between Germany and an alliance of Britain and France!. France was beaten in 1940 and Italy joined Germany, so the war spread into then Italian North Africa!.
In June 1941 the War exteded again when Germany attacked the Soviet Union!. In December 1941 Japan attacked the USA and Britain, and Germany declared war on the USA as well!. This was the war at its greatest extent!.
Germany surrendered in May 1945!. Japan surrendered in August 1945!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's nothing particularly tricky about the question!. Germany invaded Czechoslovakia (our ally) and the UK did nothing!. They 'annexed' Austria (the Anschluss) and then they invaded Poland!. (also a UK ally) That was when Winston Churchill declared war on Germany!.
I suggest you try your favourite search engine for more details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

september 3rd 1939 to september 2nd 1945!. two madmen across europe called Hitler and Mussolini want more and more and more (x100000) power hitler invades poland!. Britain and france declare war on germany hitler invades most of europe fails to invade britian :) trys russia and fails miserably, meanwhile japs attack pearl harbor u!.s enters war germans and italians lose africa to brits (yay!) british and u!.s troops invade italy mussoloni gets thrown out!. d-day landings on 6th june 1944 very successful germany starts to lose!. russians capture berlin war in west ends on 8th may 1945 japan holds out then u!.s sends nuke to hiroshima nad nagasaki japan surreunders and then the world has to live the next 44 years in fear of a nuclear war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need to read "The Second World War" this is a six-volume history of the period from the end of the First World War to July 1945, written by Sir Winston Churchill!.

You will get all the answers there and it may be available at your local library; if they haven't denounced it as revisionist!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!.it was a war!.!. o_O
Germany, England,Poland,Russia,Japan!.!.!.(just to name a few countries involved)
because no one can get a long and hitler wanted world domination just like those weird but funny cats in pics of them looking mischevious and holding a gun!.!.!.
uhh!.!.!.b-24's, b-17's,bombers, fighters, ships, submarines, trenches, tanks, guns, and bombs!.

O_O(for the US version anyway!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1939-1945!. Britian and her allies against Germany and their allies!. Germany attacked Poland and Britian had a pact with Poland so Britain went to war!.

Nasty business!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start with Wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to answer your question, but the way I read it you want the history of the whole war !?Www@QuestionHome@Com