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Position:Home>History> Why were the names of 1st & 2nd century Germanic tribes different from those of

Question: Why were the names of 1st & 2nd century Germanic tribes different from those of later centuries (e!.g!. 5th)!?
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Germanic nations and tribes continued to develop into various groups between 100BC-500AD; this is over five hundred years (very long time)!. Since they did not leave us with contemporary writings, there is no way to identify them all until with establishment of Roman civilization around the Danube-Rhine!. Very little is known of them prior that and only archeology is the key for identification of these tribes!.

The Germanic tribes in Central Europe were first who came with direct contact with advancing Roman Empire!. Romans during the age of Tacitus were already knowledgeable of Germanic tribes in Central Europe due military engagement, trade, and diplomacy!. The proximity of the Roman civilization had profound effect on nations directly north of Danube!. Rome actively interfered into Germanic mutual wars, such as war within Marcomanns (present Bavaria, Czech Republic, Austria); or with invasion of Quades under Marcus Aurelius (Slovakia, Austria)!. These nations closer to Danube were in contact with Roman Empire entire time until its collapse in the fifth century!. Therefore, Marcomanns did exist for almost five hundred years!. Germanic nations that were farther from the civilization of the Rome, such Goths (southern Scandinavia and Baltics), were identified much later time when they crossed Baltics and moved to present day Ukraine!. Different environment of Ukraine had evolved the Goths and created a new class of Germanic nations!. When you compare the list of Germanic tribes from Tacitus to the writings of much later historians in the late antiquity, you will find new and old nations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were just known as Germanic tribes by the Romans!. Later during the end of Rome we found more information about them and were able to give them more specific names like the Franks or the Goths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com