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Position:Home>History> Napoleon: 'Is he lucky?' True?

Question: Napoleon: 'Is he lucky!?' True!?
Is it true that when Napoleon was considering promoting an officer recommended to him, he always asked 'Is he lucky!?'
Or is it just one of those stories people tell!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sounds like somethings Hollywood might make up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jim!.
Napoleon , when told the virtues of a new General, eg!. the man's heroism, bravery, skill in battle and so on - waved his hand impatiently!. "That's all very well," he said, "but is he lucky!?"
Napoleon regarded luck as a personal attribute rather than a matter of chance!. A lucky person would always win out over adverse circumstances, he believed, whereas an unlucky person - even a general who was expert in the techniques of war - was fated to meet with failure and disaster on the battlefield!.
Jim, there is a scene in "The Guns of Navarone" where the British special ops boss explains his choice of one senior officer to lead the dangerous mission by explaining that once Napoleon was brought a young general along with the assurance that he was a capable officer: "Yes, yes I know he's brilliant," replies Napoleon, "but is he lucky"!?
Good luck my friend,

Just a sampling of people who quoted that saying:

Napoleon: A Biography By Frank McLynn (this book claims it is true--read all of p!. 289 on this link where it talks about his view on "luck" and you will find he was quite superstitious, and so this quote would be in keeping with his personality)

BBC News Channel article
When I explained that Napoleon believed in luck and never promoted anybody to high rank in the army without asking "Is he lucky!?" - I was treated with derision!.
It was pointed out to me that Napoleon's own luck had deserted him in the long run!. If I'd known the quotation at the time I'd have made the Keynesian reply that "in the long run we're all dead!."

The Fighting Pattons by Brian Sobel, George S!. Patton (quoted in this book on p!.36 as true)

Several blogs claimed it was legend but gave no verification!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
