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Question: Social Questions!?
Chief JUstice John Marhsall is remembered most accurately for
a!. being a strict constroctionist
b!. emphasizing states right in his decisions
c!. increasing the power and tole of the supreme vourt
d!. frequently deferring to the opinions of the state courts!.

in general, support for war in 1812( WAR OF 1812)came from
argarians in the west and south
costal shippers
20!. Seidtion can best be described as
the illegal criticism of the government or ignoring a law of congressWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Chief Justice John Marshall is remembered most accurately for
increasing the power and role of the supreme court (Judicial Review)

In general, support for war in 1812( WAR OF 1812)came from
agrarians in the west and south (due to Indian threat)

Sedition can best be described as
the illegal criticism of the governmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

sedition -
An illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government!.