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Position:Home>History> Why did people criticise the curch in the time of the renaissance?

Question: Why did people criticise the curch in the time of the renaissance!?
in the time people criticised the chuch
i jst want to know why did theyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Medieval Roman Catholic Church was corrupt!. There are rumors that one Pope, Alexander VI, for instance, made his daughter (yes, his daughter, Alex did not believe in celibacy for himself) his mistress and had her various husbands killed!. She was married off, btw, to cement political alliances betwen the Vatican and various European and Italian powers!.

The Roman Catholic Church was the official state church of European nations!. In addition to taxes collected by European nations, the church sold indulgences, which were basically permissions to commit a sin before the sin was committed, and other items to further raise money!. The church was also one of the largest land owners in Europe and controlled many of the choicest properties!.

The Church taught that the Pope held both the sacred keys to heaven and the secular keys to the throne!. As a result, the Pope frequently meddled in the affairs of European nations!. He also became a target of those nations and was frequently held prisoner by various groups!. This led to resentment at a time when nationalism was on the rise!.

The Church opposed knowledge!. Galileo, for instance, was forced to recant his discovery that the earth circled the sun and not the sun circled the earth!. It wasn't that the Church made such decisions to defend the Bible, but it's own doctrine!. The Chruch, btw, forbade the translation of the Bible into everyday langauages in order to prevent the people from having access to the actual text of the Bible!. As long as the Bible was chained to the pulpit, the Church could teach what it wanted!.

Those are just a few reasons!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Martin Luther was disatisfied with many of the practices of the Catholic church, and he found many adherents!. The sale of indulgences was one of the grievances he had against the church, and he also opposed the doctrine of Transubstantiation!. and he disapproved of the Latin mass!. However, many people were quite happy with the church as it was!. When Henry VIII forced the Reformation on the English for example, there was an uprising in the north of England called the Pilgrimage of Grace, which was suppressed with great brutality!.

And in the reign of Edward VI, when the english book of Common Prayer was imposed on english churches, there was a rebellion in the west country, the prayer book rebellion, which was also savagely suppressed!.

The Catholic church was a source of spiritual comfort and indeed charity in the medieval era!. Monasteries provided care for the sick and old, education for children, and hospitality to poor travellers!. With their dissolution, the poor people of england suffered much hardship!. and the loss of their familiar rituals and customs was a great sadness to many people!.

They also had to work harder!. Henry VIII abolished many of the Saints Days which were holidays in medieval times!. He didn't approve of the common people having too much leisure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Roman Catholic Church suffered the fate of Monopoly!. Without Competition the Church dominated daily life!. For an ordinary person struggling to survive from day to day the openly opulent life style of the average priest was upsetting!. An ordinary person might have a battered wooden plate for their daily meal and a corroded metal cup for their drink while the neighborhood church had chalices of gold and silver!. An ordinary person might have a single lice ridden tunic to wear while Priests paraded about in robes of the finest linen!. An ordinary person's daily meal might be oatmeal gruel three times a day and perhaps a scraggly piece of fish on Friday yet they were aware that most Priests were eating 'high off the hog!.' Often the ordinary person had to give what few farm animals they had raised to the Church, as payment for their souls!.
And the Church charged people for everything; payment for Baptising a child, daily fees for this and that, a person could not even be buried without coughing up a payment!. In fact in many parts of Europe those who died without proper payment were buried in 'unsacrd' ground and then Priests would hound surving familoy members, telling them that the souls of the deceased were suffering in H^ll tormented daily, and these Priests were ruthless relentless as well as gifted in telling these sordid tales invoking all of the sins of the flesh in describing the agonies that the deceased were suffering!.
By the time of the Renaissane the Church was exploiting fear & ignorance in an effort to extort money from their parishioners!. It was well known that several Popes placed their illegeitement sons in lucrative jobs within the Church and that many Cardinals were extremely wealthy!.
It was clear to many that a a strict reading of the Bible would reveal that these were not Godly Men!.
But who could read the Biole!? The Church stomped on efforts to translate the Bible into common language, declaring it wrong for anyone but Priests to read the words of God, burning at the stake many who tried to put out a 'peoples' Bible!.
These are but a few of the reasons why!.

PS And when a Priests wanted your Son to serve on his staff, or rather to serve his staff, you gave up your son or else!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because the pope a mere man decided to think he has the telephone to God and no one else had that!. I am a Christian and truly believe that our personal relationship with God doesn't depend on the CEO of Rome!. The past Popes were deliverers of terror and the Renaissance were survivors of the Black Plague and the Inquistion and started to enjoy life!. Many of our scientists can atest to that thankfully Galileo led to our last frontier!. I believe that God created us with the freewill and we can learn and explore, but wisely!. That was an excellent question and thank you for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was backward and stifled thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

Coz' christian has done a mistake
A mistake that could'nt be tame!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com