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Position:Home>History> Question about Napoleon Bonaparte?

Question: Question about Napoleon Bonaparte!?
Did Napoleon lead by example!? How so!? Why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In his early years, yes!. He was a directed, innovative, and disciplined fighter, which helped him rise in rank and respect!. But as his rank and power grew, however, it changed!. The early Napoleon would have never dreamed to pompously march his own troops over a cliff in order to frighten and impress a visiting dignitary, as the older Napoleon did!. The early Napoleon would have more carefully studied and heeded the writing of a Swedish king who fought Russia and likewise had to abandon his quest when "general winter" decimated his army!. The older Napoleon, jaded by a progressive string of victories did as Hitler would later do, just assume that the successes would continue, that failure was not possible!. Before there was a Waterloo, there was a Russia--where Napoleon proudly marched in over half-a-million young Frenchmen, but had to sneak out secretly with but a few hundred a few months later!.

No, the young Napoleon would put his hands to the artillery wheels, but Napoleon the emperor of France would not get his hands dirty unless his very life depended upon it, something he ordered people to insulate himself from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com