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Position:Home>History> Can someone give me the answers to these WW2 questions?

Question: Can someone give me the answers to these WW2 questions!?
i need help i have a huge test tomorrow! we had to turn in our books today cause we get out of school wensday and my test is tomorrow, which is stupid because how does he expect us to study if we donthave our books -_- yeah anyways can you help me with these questions please!?

thanks a lot (:

Be able to name the leaders of the following countries during World War II: Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union!.

Be able to tell which countries were members of the Axis Powers and which were Allied Powers!.

What was the Rape of Nanjing!?

What was the Nazi-Soviet (Stalin-Hitler) Pact of 1939!? Was it a good idea for Hitler!? Why or why not!? Was it a good idea for Stalin!? Why or why not!?

What was Appeasement!? Who followed Appeasement!? Give at least three reasons for Appeasement!.

What was Isolationism!? What country followed Isolationism!? Do you think it was a good idea to follow Isolationism!? Why or why not!?

What was the Final Solution!? Would you have done anything to stop the Final Solution!? Why or why not!?

List and explain two reasons why D-Day was so important!.

Who was at the Yalta Conference!? What did they decide!?

How did Japanese soldiers fight during World War II!? Why did they fight this way!?

What was Island Hopping!? Why was the Battle of Iwo Jima so important!?

What was the Manhattan Project!?

In what two cities were atomic bombs dropped!? If you were President Truman, would you have dropped atomic bombs on these two cities!? Explain your answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.Adolf Hitler-Germany
Benito Mussilini-Italy
Hideke Tojo-Japan
Winston Churchill-Britan
Franklin Rosevelt-USA
Joesph Stalin-Soviet Union
2!. Axis-Germany, Italy (untill 1943), and Japan
Allies-USA, Britan, Austrailia, Canada, Soviet Union
3!. When the Japaniese captured the Chiniese city of Nanjing, the raped, looted, killed, and beat the residents!.
4!.It was a pact that the Germans aand Russians signed that pronounced them allies!. At the time it was a smart move for Hitler, but in the long run it wasn't!. It was good because the Russian army was the biggest in the world and with the Nazis no one could have stop them!. But when Hitler attack Russia, he thought the pact would protect him!. But since he invade Russia, they could fight back!. That put Hitler in a tight spot!. It was good for Stalin for the same resons!.
5!. The Apepasement was what British prime minister Neville Chamberline (1937-39) did in his stress of thinking there would be a European War!. He let the Germans and Italians have what they wanted and treated them nicely!.
6!. Isolationism is a foreign policy which combines a non-interventionist military and a political policy of economic nationalism (protectionism)!. In other words, it asserts both of the following: Non-interventionism - Political rulers should avoid entangling alliances with oter countries!.
7!. The Final Soultion waas Hitlers plan to wipe out all Jews, Jypsies, Homosexuals, and handi capped from the Motherland and all of Europe!. Yes, I would have done somthing because it was sick and wrong!.
8!. D-Day was important because it would open a second front on the Nazis and it would provide another way into Europe and a quicker way to end the war!.
9!. The Yalta Conference was a meeting held by German Higher Command!. They decided how they would execute the Final Solution!. (Concentration camps)
10!. The Japaniese fought suicidily, for their Motherland!.
11!. Island Hopping was going from one island to the other, attacking and holding the island!. Iwo Jimi had airfeilds on and the jap planes would intercept the American Bombers going in, to bomb Tokyo!.
12!. The Manhattan Project was the creating and testing of the first Atom Bomb!. It was executed by a few scientest!.
13!. Hyroshima and Nagisaky!. Yes I would have, because it would have been the only way to stop the fighting in the Pacific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You want Yahoo people to do your homework for you!? Why does everyone point out Hitler when he was really number 3 behing Stalin and Mao!? How many more US troops would have died if we didn't drop the bomb!? Why don't they teach American History in High School any more!? Why can't Johnny read!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

lazy, google the questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

What did your last slave die of!?Www@QuestionHome@Com