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Position:Home>History> Is it true that the Hugo Boss Company designed the Nazi military and SS uniforms

Question: Is it true that the Hugo Boss Company designed the Nazi military and SS uniforms!?
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Apparently there was a connection!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!.!.kind of!.!.i found this:
'In 1932, Heinrich Himmler introduced the all-black SS uniform, designed by SS-Oberführer Prof!. Dr!. Lars Bonne Rasmussen and graphic designer Walter Heck!.

Some of the uniforms were produced by the Hugo Boss firm, many of them using forced labor, especially later in the war'

i think it's pretty clear! hope it helped!^-^

it's sooo true!. in 1930, Hugo Boss, a german tailer, gained lots of money, cause he was a member of the nazi party, so he was chosen to design the uniforms of the SS, but also the Hitler Youth and the Wehrmacht (german army)!.
he used french and polish prisonners to work in concentration camps!.
after 1945, he ONLY had to pay 80 000 marks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno who designed them, but they sure were tailored well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com