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Position:Home>History> Was Teddy Roosevelt a Good Leader?

Question: Was Teddy Roosevelt a Good Leader!?
just want peoples opiion on him!.
I dont think he did anything bad during his presidency, but then again, i am probably wrong!.

I have decided to write about him as a good leader!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes he was, in every leadership position he held!. He was a member of the New York legislature, commissioner of police for NYC, assistant secretary of the Navy at the beginning of the Spanish-American War, second in command of the Rough Riders in Cuba, governor of New York, vice-president, then President of the US for 8 years!.

He was a Nobel Peace Prize winner and recipient of the Medal of Honor, the only president to have these dual honors!.

He was particularly good as commissioner of police in NYC!. He revamped the department, made promotions based on merit, prowled the streets at night to catch sleeping cops, and really started the police on the road to serving the people instead of sucking off them!.

And here's a quote:
"With all my heart I believe in the joy of living; but those who achieve it do not seek it as an end in itself, but as a seized and prized incident of hard work well done and of risk and danger never wantonly courted, but never shirked when duty commands that they be faced!. And those who have earned joy, but are rewarded only with sorrow, must learn the stern comfort dear to great souls, the comfort that springs from the knowledge taught in times of iron that the law of worthy living is not fulfilled by pleasure, but by service, and by sacrifice when only thereby can service be rendered!."
'The Great Adventure', Theodore Roosevelt, 1918Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was one of the greatest presidents we ever had, and he was a Republican - and I hate Republicans!. He had the courage to take on the cartels and introduced legislation to corral their powers, created the modern US Navy, and came up with the national park system, making the US the first country in the world to have a national park system!. Nearly every country now has national parks!. He was militant, but sensible enough to know when diplomacy was called for!. I give the man three cheers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Good" is not really an appropriate word to use!. Was he effective, did he achieve things that helped the country--that would sound a bit more mature!.
Look into what he did to break up monopolies and to reform business practices!. He also created the first national parks!. Under Roosevelt, the U!.S!. built and completed the Panama Canal!. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating a peace between Russia and Japan, who had been at war!. Is that "good" enough!? :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com