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Position:Home>History> HELP! WORLD WAR one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Question: HELP! WORLD WAR one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
1!. Name a positive aspect of Canada's participation in world war one!. (remember, they participated because great britain was in it)

2!. Why was Belgium in this war!? How was it implicated!?

3!. What were the problems for soldiers in the trenches!?

4!. Why were the great countries (england, russia, austria) wanting to have so many colonies!? How do we name a country with lots of colonies!?

5!.Explain why the system of alliances empired the world war one!. in history, how do we name this effect!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. idk!.
2!. Belgium was neutral until Germany attacked them, trying to get to france!.
3!. The trenches were muddy puddles of dirt!. The soldiers did nothing but sit up to their knees in mud and water and wait to fight!. Eventually, many of the soldiers got trenchfoot from their feet being submerged in water for so long!. Trenchfoot caused the skin to fall off your foot in pieces, basically!.
4!. The countries wanted colonies to increase their wealth!. This is called imperialism!. The more colonies, the more money the countries could make for themselves!.
5!. Alliances were a mistake because if one country got into the war all its allies had to get into the war!. Not sure what you'd call this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) manpower that could be used to get slaughtered at either one of the great killing fields of the somme or galipoli( not meaning to be mean with answer)
2) thought to allow german free access to france, changed mind and fought against germans
3)live and let live policy of not really trying to fight and win, shell shock, dystentary, mutinany
4)the more territories the higher the status also a civilizing influence on the natives, colonialism
5) mutual assistence and detenteWww@QuestionHome@Com

answers of your questions you can finde in wikipedia or someware else,, but most important thnig that happened in this period was great Armenian Genocide!.!. <more than 1 million armenians where killed by turks> first genocide of human beeings!.!. teel now Turkey don't accept that fact --Www@QuestionHome@Com