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Position:Home>History> During the civil war, if border states had slaves, why did they fight for the un

Question: During the civil war, if border states had slaves, why did they fight for the union!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the American Civil War, slavery did exist in the border States of Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri!. The State of Maryland contributed largely to the Union cause during the war!. Both Kentucky and Missouri attempted neutrality, but were either invaded by the Confederacy or the Union respectively!. Marylanders, Kentuckians, and those from Missouri fought for the Union to preserve the Union, and those who fought for the Confederacy believed in establishing an independent nation!.

To make such a stupid assessment that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery, and was only fought over "States Rights" (those rights were the "rights" of the slaveowners in the southern states to maintain and expand slavery) is a false claim put out by those individuals who never could overcome their guilt over slavery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because you've made an incorrect assumption that the war was about slavery!. The war was about states' rights and how much power the federal government actually had over individual states!.

Most history teachers won't tell you the truth because it's easier to blame racsim and not argue the truth!. The truth is that africans were not the only slaves!. But, most african decedents don't want you to know that!.

also, If slavery was illegal in the northern states does that mean it didn't happen!? Cocaine trade is illegal in the US!. Anyone willing to say it doesn't exist!?

The truth is that white factory workers in the north and and in the coal mines of Appalacia were not technically slaves!. Yet, these people worked long hours seven days a week in order to earn less than enough money for food and essentials!. That meant going in debt to the "company store!." These were general stores owned by the company that they worked for!.

Study history!. Study truth!. The US civil war was not about slavery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Slavery was one of the major catalysts into the Civil War and almost every other thing was tied into it in some way (state's rights, economy, etc!.)!. To say otherwise would be completely naive and ridiculous!.

The border states remained largely neutral during the war!. Let's say they had the best of both worlds, industrialization and slavery; and they did not want to lose hold of either!. To appease the border states, Abe Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation that only freed the slaves in the South (not the border or northern states)!. This was a strategic effort to cause turmoil in the South!.

also, by allowing the border states to have slaves, Abe Lincoln won them over to the Union!. It wasn't till the 13th amendment that all slaves were made free by becoming legal citizens of the United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After the U S Army put down the Baltimore riots and locked up elected officials that were pro confederates, Maryland stayed in the union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com