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Question: Concerned about Slavery Presentation!?
About a week ago, my class learned about the nearly 10 million African slaves who perished during the 3 month transportation across the Atlantic!. Well, we watched a scene from Steven Spielberg's Amistad where slaves were chained to each other and thrown overboard to sharks when the ship got too full!.

We are now responsible to present a piece of work detailing the life of the descendants of the these slaves from 1845 (Fugitive Slave Laws) - 1968 (Martin Luther King Assassination!.

I've received something called Lynching!. I went to a website and found some pics but they are sooo graphic to me and sad!.

I spoke to my professor and a couple classmates who said that I should include them because it's Americas true history!. My best fried thinks that since the professor showed Amistad the class should be prepared for my presentation on Lynching!.

Some other classmates have the Jim Crow era with water hoses on blacks which I think is easier!. What is the best way to do this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lynching is very horrific!.

You might want to look up information about the NAACP and the Harlem Renaissance, or perhaps google something like

"a man was lynched yesterday"

because I know I've seen a photograph of that sign hanging outside the NAACP office, though I don't remember if it was taken in Chicago or New York!.

If you're doing an audio-visual presentation, there's a song by Billie Holliday called "Strange Fruit" that is very haunting that is about lynching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're dealing with slavery, which means there are going to be elements about it that are visually horroific!. Sometimes, like it or not, you've got to present these horrorific images!. Remind people of the evils faced!. Now if you're really worried that some of your fellow classmates will not be able to stomach it, you can try to find pics that are slightly less horrorific and use them as the predominant images of your presentation!. But you'll still need to show some of these horrorific images as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is alway had to present the horrors of history, but, if you are professional and you prepare your class before hand by telling them that these will be very graphic and disturbing images, I believe you can present it with dignity and not upset too many people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're right, lynching is a really unpleasant topic, but one that needs to be discussed!. Be thorough, and thoughtful, and you will do a great job!.

Be aware, this is still a sensitive topic! Witness the furor over the situation in Jena, Louisiana in 2006!.Www@QuestionHome@Com