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Position:Home>History> Teaching Question help!!!!!!!!!???????????

Question: Teaching Question help!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
will you help me here!?

1!. what do you mean when you describegreat teaching!?
2!. what will the teacher be doingto assure that individual students are givemn quality learning!?
3!. what will the learners be doing to become an effective learner!?

i was a student who wanted to become a teacher but i don't know what are the answers in these questions!.!.!.!.

Help Me!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
these questions are attempting to understand your teaching method, there is no wrong answer!. If you are working with highly intelligent students, usually you answer 'to help a student find and understand their potental' something like that!. if your gonna work with special-ed kids you might want to say somethign like 'To teach on a level where every student is capable of understanding the lesson!. ensure every student regardless of how well they are prepared for the class, will pass the class' For the last question say something like 'the students should be encouraged to enjoy learning and expand their knowlage base'Www@QuestionHome@Com