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Position:Home>History> Why did Hitler and Stalin end their alliance in WWII?

Question: Why did Hitler and Stalin end their alliance in WWII!?
I was watching The Soviet Story earlier and of course it mentioned their alliance they formed in WWII!. I should know this question since I'm going to university for a History degree but we are way far from the 20th century lol and I simply forgot!. Obviously the Soviet Union ended up being enemies with Germany in WW2 and the Soviets stormed Reichstag (sp) to end the European theater!. Not to mention the Battle of Stalingrad, Moscow, and others!. So anyone know!? Why did Hitler and Stalin break their alliance during WW2!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Early in the war, Hitler needed to make sure that the Soviets wouldn't attack him while he invaded Western Europe!. To this end, he signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin!. Stalin needed this non-aggression pact to make sure that Hitler wouldn't attack him, giving Russia time to train and equip it's army!.

However, Hitler's territorial ambitions always lay to the East, with Russia!. Hitler wanted 'lebensraum' (living room) for his Aryan race, and also required a slave labour force (the Russians)!. When he pretty much subdued the West, he switched his armies to the East and invaded!.

Russia had massive wheatfields in Ukraine, and extensive oil fields too!. It had mineral wealth, and also a large population which could be put to work!. Hitler also had a racial dislike of the Slavic people, and viewed them as "sub-human"!. Hitler always regarded Russia as his true enemy!.

Not only that, but the political ideals present in Germany and Russia at the time were almost direct opposites!. The Nazi ideal was a single man with total control over every aspect of the nation, while the Russians believed (in theory) of a brotherhood of man with equality between all!. They were bound to clash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler formed an alliance with the SU through what was called the Nonaggression Pact, which basically stated that neither of the two would attack each other!.

Hitler broke this when he invaded Russia!. He wanted to take them over as well, and he'd already had a pretty through history with successfully beating countries (such as Poland, and we all know how that turned out for them poor, poor Poles : ( )!. Hitler failed, however, because he was extremely ill-prepared and they couldn't handle the cold!. He lost a vast amount of his troops in this and had to turn back, but by this point, he'd already lost most of his men!.

Through documentation, we already know that Hitler had only formed the pact with Stalin so that he could ensure they wouldn't attack first!. He was planning from the beginning to break it, he just wanted Russia's word that they wouldn't attack!. He betrayed them!.

I hope that this has helped!!
Hayley!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Hitler wanted the huge food, oil and other resources in Russia (including the slave labour available) and because the Facist nazis saw Bolshevik communist Russia as their natural enemies!.

The non-aggression pact had always been a sham!. Hitler was merely delaying what he saw as an inevitable conflict until he was ready - and Stalin had done such tremendous damage to his own armed forces (by purging and killing many of its leaders) that he deluded himself into thinking Germany weren't planning to attack!. He needed to believe that because he feared the consequences of such a battle - so he ignored overwhelming evidence that the Germans were coming!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The alliance was always intended to be a temporary one!. Both sides were buying time to build up their armies!. Germany broke the treaty and invaded Russia first!. Hitler was out to conquer all of Europe and Russia, so he couldn't exactly Honor that treaty forever could he!. It was a war of conquest and expansion!. They wanted the oil fields of the Caucasus and the rich cropland of the Ukraine to help sustain the Third Reich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler had always hated the communists and slavic people Stalin too saw Hitler as one of his bitterest enemies!. The Non-Aggression Pact was only a pact of convenience!.!.!.for Hitler, it bought him time to deal with France and Britain!. For Stalin, it bought him time to rebuild the Red Army after the purges of his generals during the 30's!. The Red Army reforms were still ongoing when Operation Barbarossa was launched!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

His intention from the start was to attack Russia!.
He was opposed to communism and persecuted communists in Germany!.
But his long term intention was to expand German territory eastwards to create a large empire!.
His alliance with the Soviet Union was merely a cynical piece of opportunism to make the invasion of Poland easier!.
It meant the Poles had to fight on two fronts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Hitler is a greedy evil man who thought he could double cross Stalin and take over the Soviet Union!. Although Hitler made the same mistake as Napolean and tried to attack the Soviet Union during the winter, which even the Russians find difficult to live in, and the Germans were used to much warmer weather!. great advantage for the Russians i must say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler made his first big mistake, which was attacking Russia in late fall!. He then was fighting a war on two fronts (never a good idea) and General Winter then shut down the German Army on the Eastern Front, which meant the Hitler could only devote half of his remaining resources to sustaining his supply lines in his Western front!. As to why, I have no idea what the hell was going through Hitler's pointy little head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

casue hitler was so power thirsty he decided to invade russia!. stalin forsaw it ahead of time and was like screw u hitler, and broke their alliance!. and as for why hitler decided to invade russia, is bcz russia's a huge piece of land and it has resources!. duh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because hitler broke the agreement not to attack each other and germany went to russia but their wepons and trucks were not cut out for the cold so they lost that war and those extra men that were sent could have taken over england which is one of the resons they lost the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitler broke the alliance!. well it wasnt an alliance really just a agreement not to attack each other!. hitler decided to invade russia!. which brought the ussr to side with the alliesWww@QuestionHome@Com

this link ought to explain it !. space limits won't give me enough room!. I short i think it all came down to good old greedWww@QuestionHome@Com

1 word: EGOSWww@QuestionHome@Com